Today the river Aln at Alnmouth is famed as an attraction for amateur sailors, fishermen, walkers, artists and photographers.

It was not always so tranquil; in its heyday it was a busy, working river-port, exporting grain and wool, specialising in the import of timber from Scandinavia, blue slate from Scotland for the building industry and the occasional pipe of Madeira wine.

The village had its own sawmill, several granaries, as well as sheds to store guano fertiliser imported from Peru - built downwind of the village because of the smell! Herring fishing and international trade were at the heart of village life and prosperity.

Towards the end of the 19th century port activities declined, in part due to the silting up of the estuary following the river Aln altering its course after the great storm on Christmas Day 1806.

With the coming of the railways, Alnmouth transformed into a popular Victorian coastal resort, complete with one of the earliest English golf courses, a holiday camp, bathing houses, beach huts and spacious sea-view villas.

Whats on in Alnmouth?

Alnmouth from the air

                             St Cuthbert's cross

Alnmouth church cross

                                   Ferry mans hut museum                                                                    Alnmouth harbour estuary

Alnmouth Golf course,oldest in England



Forthcoming family activities in the village

Historical Walking Tours of Alnmouth

Check local notice boards for next tours

Tickets available from
Alnmouth Post Office 

Group size limited to 12,book early to avoid disappointment

Proceeds towards

Hindmarsh Hall fund

River Aln Boat Club


'Highly recommended

in the village'


Local businesses that provide goods and services of the very highest standard


Scott's. A superb deli focused on home made goodies and hot drinks for takeaway to the beach.

Lovely welcoming staff

Good food in Alnmouth
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      The Duchess's road bridge into Alnmouth

Visit Alnmouth

Setting sail from Alnmouth into the North Sea

Alnmouth boat club


Sherlock Holmes in Alnmouth!

Meet Jessie, our 17 year old dynamo from Leicester currently immersing herself in  Art and Design studies at college. Specialising in photography, digital applications like  graphic design, cartoons,          character animation, and computer games, Jessie’s  creativity knows no bounds.

An avid reader and insightful thinker beyond her years,  Jessie gives very frank and             honest reviews of the books she chooses. Her passion for  literature is evident, not just    in her reviews, but also in her dedication to her local charity book shop where she             volunteers. When not buried in a book, Jessie enjoys    spending quality time with her dog.

With her sharp intellect and unwavering honesty, Jessie’s  reviews are a valuable                  resource for anyone seeking an authentic  and thoughtful perspective on literature.

Jessie's reviews are on our Facebook group book lovers  page follow the link and join the conversation